Required Competencies

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Required Competencies

Human resources are the core of a company.

SJG ASENTEC pursues members who are enthusiastic about changes, seek professionalism in the innovative era, and can care for and empathize with others through trust and communication.

People create company values

  • Self-DevelopmentSELF-IMPROVEMENT
    A person who can foster professional knowledge through continuous efforts in response to doing better in the future than what they are currently good at.
  • Communication and CooperationPRORESSIONALITY
    A person who has the will to support and cooperate with a positive attitude of mutually respecting others and communicating.
  • ChallengeCHALLENGE
    A person who is passionate about continuous challenges to move forward.
  • Creativity and InnovationCREATIVITY
    A person who can think outside the box and attempts new ideas with flexible thinking.
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